Fall is growing on me more and more as I get older. The kids are back in school with routines, activities, and friends. The weather is gorgeous. Plus, the family fun activities in autumn are plentiful. I recommend creating a fall bucket list to ensure you don’t miss out on anything that makes the season enjoyable for you.
Below I have a blank fall bucket list printable (totally free) and a copy of the bucket list my family made this year for autumn if you would like a starting point.
I love curating collections of children’s books for my kids. Whether it is for a specific holiday, season, or activity, books can help us get excited about some upcoming time or event. Below you will find some of our favorite children’s picture books about fall. Celebrate the changing of the seasons and what autumn brings.
Though all opinions are my own, this blog post is sponsored by SSM Health Women’s Health. For more information on sponsored posts, click here.
I am well into my third trimester of pregnancy now and my water has not broken – hooray! The weekly progesterone shots seem to have worked and every day that I can keep this baby developing inside me is a win.
Of the four books I chose to review this month there were some clear winners for me. I’m going on a girls’ weekend trip soon during which I hope to get a lot more pleasure reading in but I’ll probably just end up chatting the whole time (I don’t get many uninterrupted adult conversations). I hope you find a book to add to your summer reading list from the recommendations below.