Wedding Season Movies

bride in a strapless wedding gown and statement necklace

Wedding season is the best season! Did you know I used to be a bridal store manager and a wedding planner? I loved seeing all the beautiful bridal gowns, helping select the perfect bridesmaids’ dresses, and creating the wedding day timelines. To help you get excited about all the upcoming bridal festivities I have made a movie guide featuring my favorite wedding movies. You’ll have some good laughs with the movies on this list!

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The Wedding Date

The Wedding Date is possibly my favorite movie of all time.  Debra Messing’s character hires Dermont Mulroney’s character to pretend to be her boyfriend at her sister’s wedding.  The plot is simple, the fashion superb, and the soundtrack surprisingly fun.

Father of the Bride

Usually, I insist on only watching original movies, not remakes.  But in my defense, I didn’t know this was a remake for quite some time and I already liked this version.  In Father of the Bride, Steve Martin and Martin Short are hilarious!  A father worrying over the expense of his daughter’s wedding is a plotline most people can empathize with.

My Best Friend’s Wedding

Another Dermot Mulroney wedding movie.  For most of the movie, My Best Friend’s Wedding, you cheer for the villain (Julia Roberts) and her goal of breaking up the wedding couple.  There are some great quotable lines and fabulous scenes.  The best being when the entire wedding party sings I Say A Little Prayer in a restaurant.

License to Wed

License to Wed is a cute movie not many people have seen.  Robin Williams plays the minister marrying Mandy Moore and John Krasinski.  The minister makes the couple go through many tests during the pre-marital counseling requirement.  From mechanical babies, to driving blindfolded you will laugh a lot during these completely unrealistic scenarios.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Bravo to producers Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson for bringing My Big Fat Greek Wedding to the silver screen!  A woman from a very Greek family begins to improve herself and in the process falls in love with a non-Greek man.  Hilarity ensues as the family prepares for the wedding.

Mamma Mia!

I have seen the musical Mamma Mia! more times than I can count.  I remember the first time I saw Mamma Mia on stage I said to my mom what a great movie it would make.  Years later I was right!  It is cheesy, Pierce Brosnan’s singing is awful, but if you are looking for a light, fun movie this is a great pick.

Four Weddings and a Funeral

A British classic, Four Weddings and a Funeral incorporates quirky humor and awkward flirting attempts.  You enjoy watching Hugh Grant’s character and his friends navigate attending weddings while searching for love themselves.


Planning a wedding or a bridal shower? Check out the following posts:

How to Throw a Bridal Shower on a Budget

How to Paint Mason Jars

bride and groom arm in arm

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