April 2019 Book Reviews and Recommendations

four book covers with text "book reviews April 2019"

The books I read for April 2019 have many plot twists and turns to keep the reader guessing about what will happen next. Murder, justice, and love are key components of this month’s batch of book reviews and recommendations. I hope you find your perfect next read!

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For Better and Worse

four stars

I enjoyed For Better and Worse. In this book, a husband and wife have grown apart when they learn of an upsetting situation that could impact their family.  The whole town is gossiping about alleged sexual abuse by the principal of their son’s school.  Both of the parents are lawyers and are torn on how to let the situation play out. Will they let the law handle it or are they too jaded by their careers to trust that justice will be served?

I liked how the book is written from different points of view (the husband’s and the wife’s). Plus, I think the reader can relate to how the characters must be feeling throughout the story.

Nine Perfect Strangers

three stars

Nine Perfect Strangers is not my favorite book by this author but if you need a book to keep you entertained on a plane or a beach this one might be a good pick. The story is interesting with a few plot twists I didn’t see coming. 

Nine people sign up for a health retreat for various reasons.  A young couple needs counseling to make their marriage work.  A family is grieving a loss, a single woman is hitting a rut in her career, etc.  The place where they are going is highly sought after but reaches results by unconventional means.  There is a silent period for the guests, fasting, yoga, meditation, and a few exercises no one predicts.  Ultimately, it is assured that these visitors will never forget their stay.

The Night Tiger

2.5 stars

Although highly rated, The Night Tiger for me was a very slow read. Numerous storylines converge in the end but the plot didn’t suck me in from the beginning (or ever really).

A number of different characters are connected through mysterious deaths that are occurring and by missing fingers that keep popping up. Is a curse in play? Are there really weretigers that eat humans?

I did enjoy the ending of the book but I wasn’t sure I would ever get to it. The historical setting is interesting as well as the cultural folklore interspersed throughout. A unique read if you have time on your hands.

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption

3.5 stars

I believe everyone should read the book Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. A lawyer starts a non-profit called the Equal Justice Initiative in Alabama initially to assist convicted criminals awaiting the death penalty. Some of the prisoners are falsely accused and most don’t have the means to hire lawyers. The book details numerous cases the EJI took on over the years and summarizes the American prison system – how it has changed over time and how it differs from other countries.

This book will make you angry. This book will make you want to do something about our judicial system. For me, it further strengthened how important voting is, from the sheriff to the president, every public office can impact a number of people.

An amazing read, though not a page-turner, this book touches on such important matters that many middle-class, white Americans don’t frequently think about. There is a 2020 release date for the movie starring Brie Larson, Michael B. Jordan, and Jamie Foxx.

Need more book suggestions? Check my reviews from March!


  1. Dani | 2nd Apr 19

    I am always on the look out for books to read. Will definitely check them out. 🙂

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