It was a great month of reading. Can you believe I have two five-star book reviews for you this month? Check them out below! I read a lot of fiction for September but there is still a good variety to choose from.
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So Happy For You is a weird yet interesting book. It’s a very fast read about a woman who is asked to be the maid of honor for her best friend’s wedding, a task she REALLY doesn’t want to do. In fact, her dissertation is on how the government has been pushing marriage and brainwashing everyone into having extravagant weddings.
The friends were estranged for a number of years. Plus, the best friend is not exactly a big fan of the groom. But she puts her concerns aside to be there for her friend.
Marriage charms and superstitions are somewhat popular. The bride-to-be promises there will be no charms involved with the wedding but that’s a lie and it’s where the weird parts of the story come in. Dramatic events turn this story into a bit of a thriller.
To what lengths is the bride willing to go to “ensure” her marriage is successful?
Lessons in Chemistry is absolutely fantastic. I love reading about women and couples who are progressive and well ahead of their time.
A young woman is a chemist and was not able to complete her doctorate after being raped by her professor in the 1960s. She works hard as a scientist and is better at her job than most of her male colleagues, not that that matters when it comes to being respected.
When she runs into a famous scientist at her work they eventually become lovers and move in together. She is adamant about not getting married. They both have a love for science, the couple gets a dog, and her partner encourages her to start rowing with him (another thing women did not do at that time).
A freak accident claims her partner’s life. She is now alone, pregnant, and gets fired from her job. She starts consulting but eventually lands a cooking show on TV. It’s not your predictable housewife cooking show. Science is incorporated and women love it. The show makes them feel smart and empowered but does she push the envelope too much with her views? Will she ever get to be a scientist again?
I loved, loved, loved it.
People are obsessed with Verity and I liked it but it’s also extremely messed up. You have to be in the right headspace while reading it. I want to warn you that some trauma/abuse is involved with infants and children.
A very well-known author was in a bad accident and is in need of a writer to finish her popular series. A young woman is hired and moves into the popular author’s
The younger author soon realizes the original author is physically and mentally in need of constant help. The hottie of a husband becomes tempting but he comes with a lot of baggage. His twin daughters died fairly recently and tragically (separate incidents) and his wife’s car accident has left her a shell of a person.
Also, the new author is getting weird vibes especially after stumbling upon the author’s memoir which discloses some very ugly truths. Should she tell the husband?
Even though we’ve moved on to fall, this summer book is one I would read over and over again!
Every Summer After is about a woman who finds out a person from her past has died and she wants to attend the funeral. This means she will be seeing her first love that she never truly got over.
The story jumps back to when the two meet as preteens. They start out as best friends every summer swimming and hanging out every moment they can. Eventually, the relationship evolves into something more but mistakes are made by both parties including a seemingly unforgivable one.
What can I say? I love teen romances that involve summer, cabins, and destiny. Will they be able to forgive one another as adults? Is there still a spark or is it too late?
Want more book reviews? Take a look at my August Book Reviews and Recommendations!
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