Pregnancy & Parenting

Never Have I Ever Baby Shower Game

Never Have I Ever: Pregnancy Edition is an easy baby shower game that can be played at a party or during a virtual baby shower. I’m sure you’ve played this game before in your younger years (while consuming multiple alcoholic beverages) but this edition is appropriate for all ages. Learn more about the mama-to-be and her pregnancy as the questions are asked. It is a great baby shower game to play at the start of a party. Minimal prep needed!

How to Play:

You can choose how you want to play the game. This baby shower game is extremely customizable. It is supposed to be a fun game to get the party started.

The main object of the game is to ask a question starting with, “Never have I ever . . .” and the pregnant woman holds up a sign to say if it is a true statement for her or not during her current pregnancy.

Example; “Never have I ever thrown up in public.” If the guest of honor has thrown up in public during her pregnancy she would hold up a sign that says “I Have” or “False” then go on to explain where she has thrown up in public.

The host can ask all the questions. The questions can be asked by any of the guests. Or, guests can each write their own questions.

If a question is too sexual, or the guest of honor feels uncomfortable answering, please let her know at the start of the game that it is okay to pass on a question.

Virtual Baby Shower

If a baby shower is being hosted virtually here is what I suggest.

I recommend going with option 1 (only the guest of honor plays). Each baby shower guest comes up with one “Never have I ever . . .” prompt.

Then during the virtual baby shower, the host of the party tells each guest when it is his/her turn to ask a question. The guest of honor holds up the True/False sign for everyone to see and then can elaborate on her answer when the “False” sign is held up.


You can get away with no supplies for this game if you want the pregnant mama-to-be to just verbally answer each question.

Otherwise, I prefer to make a sign. One one side would be “True” or “Have Not” and the other side would be “False” or “I Have”. Other combos could be “Oh Yes”/”No Way”, “Yep”/”Nope”, etc.

I like to glue or tape the signs back-to-back over a large craft stick so the sign is easy to hold.

Depending on what option you pick below you may need to make more than one sign.

Variations of the Game

Option 1 – Pregnant Guest of Honor Only

In this version, only the pregnant guest of honor plays in front of the party guests.


Option 2 – Pregnant Guest of Honor, Her Mom, and Mother-in-Law

This is a great way to introduce the grandmas-to-be to all the guests who might not know them.

Each woman answers the questions based on their own experiences with pregnancy.

For example, “Never have I ever craved something during my pregnancy.”

Guest of Honor answers – (Holds up True sign)

Mom of GOH answers – (Holds up False sign) “I craved milk. I couldn’t get enough milk!”

Mother-in-Law answers – (Holds up False sign) “I needed salsa, all the salsa I could get my hands on.”


Option 3 – All Pregnant Baby Shower Guests

If the guest of honor is open to sharing the spotlight during her party, it might be fun to have a couple of currently pregnant women play the baby shower game together to see any differences in their answers.


Option 4 – All Baby Shower Guests Who Have Ever Been Pregnant

*Warning – This might be a terrible idea!!

Speaking as a woman who has attended a baby shower after having lost my only child at the time to a birth defect, this game can be very triggering. For a woman who has gone through a miscarriage or infant loss making it through a baby shower is hard enough without participating in a game like this.

Unless you know all the guests very well and their fertility/motherhood history, I might recommend staying away from this version. Remember, many people don’t share their losses very openly (or at all).

Also, if there are many younger guests who have never been pregnant they might feel left out if unable to participate in the game.

Never Have I Ever: Pregnancy Edition Questions

Here are sample questions to ask while playing the game. You certainly can come up with more or make up your own questions all together.

Remember, these should only be answered as pertaining to the pregnancy.

For example, “Never have I ever purchased baby clothes.” should be answered true or false depending on if the woman has purchased baby clothes during this current pregnancy for the unborn baby, NOT if she has ever purchased baby clothes in her life.


Never have I ever . . .

dropped something on the floor and left it there.

kept my pants unbuttoned.

found out the gender of my baby.

experienced “pregnancy brain”.

thrown up in public.

craved an alcoholic drink.

woken up at night to pee.

cried over something I would usually not cry about.

looked through a baby names book.

purchased baby clothes.

downloaded a pregnancy app.

decorated the nursery.

had my husband/wife/partner shave my legs.

practiced diapering and/or swaddling.

craved something “weird”.


I hope you found this game to be easy and fun to play at your next baby shower. If you are looking for more great baby shower games check these out for your party;

Baby Shower Jeopardy

Mom vs Dad

Quotes from Children’s Books


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